0203 544 6810
Based in Wimbledon
View locationClare qualified as a lawyer in 1983 and worked for several years in industry. She founded Kirby & Co in 1997. As a member of Resolution and an advanced member of the Law Society’s Family Law Panel she is experienced and respected in the field of family law. Trained as a collaborative lawyer, Clare offers clients a range of options - traditional, and collaborative law - to best meet the needs of the individual clients. In addition, she has a niche practice in the evolving area of undue influence, and has triumphed in libel cases, notably against The Guardian newspaper in 1998. Life outside the office informs Clare’s approach to her work. First and foremost, she is a proud mother, and although her children are now grown up they still enjoy family holidays together. She is also passionately committed to the community. For many years she has been a JP at Wimbledon Magistrates Court.
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