0330 038 8941
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VouchedFor member since: October, 2022

4.8 out of 5

12 reviews

Carolyn is a Probate Consultant at Co-op Legal Services, offering essential support and guidance to bereaved families on the practical steps following a bereavement. Carolyn helps families to navigate the probate and estate administration process, providing them with probate solutions tailored to their individual circumstances. Carolyn has 20 years’ experience helping families with probate, estate administration, will writing and life planning (previously as an independent financial advisor). Carolyn provides bespoke support and advice to families on how to deal with the affairs of someone who has died. The guidance Carolyn provides is tailored to the family’s needs and the specific circumstances of the estate. Estate administration can be complex, and Carolyn supports her clients to navigate this process. Co-op Legal Services is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

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