0330 038 8939
Based in Hitchin
View locationAfter graduating with a Law Degree from Reading University in 1983 Neil started his career in Legal Book Publishing on The Strand, London. In 1987 he decided to change careers and started as a Legal Executive with Alan Bradley in Stevenage specialising in Family Law. In 1989 Neil was asked to work for Balderston Warren in Letchworth in their Family Department and for the next five years he undertook a very heavy Family Law caseload before moving to Whitehead Devereux in Hitchin in 1992 to head up their Family Section. While at Whitehead Devereux, Neil qualified as a solicitor in 1993. In 1998 he moved to Ross Williams to become a Partner and head its Family Department. Neil’s main area of work includes Matrimonial and Family dealing with all aspects of relationship breakdown including Divorce, Children Matters including Residence, Contact, Parental Responsibility, and Care Disputes, and financial issues arising from breakdown of relationship/divorce. He also undertakes some conveyancing work usually linked to his matrimonial work to provide continuity for his clients. A little general Civil Litigation is undertaken when the need arises. Neil has a wide range of clients from the very wealthy to those who rely on Public Funding for their legal work. He has been involved with some large money financial dispute cases and although most contentious matters are dealt with in the local County Court or Family Proceedings Court he has experience in both the High Court and Court of Appeal. Neil is very much a fan of ‘why use 50 words when 5 will do’. He believes that reducing complicated matters to a much more simple and understandable format helps a client through what can initially seem like a daunting process. His major dislike is bureaucracy and delay.
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