0330 038 8942
Based in High-Wycombe
View locationBen is a specialist road traffic, regulatory and crime consultant. He has many years of experience specialising in general crime and motoring law. Prior to being a consultant Ben was a solicitor at Blaser Mills Law for five years where he was given the responsibility of running the road traffic department. Ben is able to provide clients with 24-hour police station advice and assistance in relation to all criminal offences. He also represents and defends individuals who appear before the Magistrates and Youth Courts charged with the full spectrum of criminal offences. Ben is a specialist road traffic solicitor and he has represented numerous individuals and companies nationwide before the Magistrates Court and Crown Court in relation to a whole range of road traffic offences. His years of experience and expertise in this area has resulted in defendants avoiding periods of disqualification from driving, criminal convictions and imprisonment. He is known for his meticulous preparation which leads to an enviable record of successfully defending charges and achieving his client’s goals. He is very friendly and approachable and takes pride in resolving his client’s problems. He has successfully defended charges such as speeding, driving without due care and attention (careless driving), driving with excess alcohol/drugs and failing to furnish information as to the identity of the driver or failing to provide a specimen for analysis. Drunk in charge of a motor vehicle, driving whilst disqualified, driving not in accordance with a licence or without insurance, using a mobile phone whilst driving and dangerous driving are also a handful of other offences which Ben has significant experience and knowledge in defending. Ben has represented many individuals at ‘Totting-up’ disqualification hearings and can boast an extremely high success rate ensuring that drivers retain their driving licences even though the number of penalty points on their licence is 12 or more. Ben has also featured on the radio to discuss the road traffic laws and to provide some of his expert insight into this area of law. Ben’s quality has been rewarded by being recognised as a recommended lawyer by the Legal 500 for the past four straight years. He constantly receives glowing reviews from his clients for the excellent results he achieves. Should you require advice or representation on any aspect, Ben accepts instructions from clients on a private basis and will be happy to discuss your individual circumstances.
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